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Timun Mas (The Golden Cucumber)

Timun Mas (The Golden Cucumber)
The story begins in a peaceful Indonesian village at sunset, where Mbok Sirni, an elderly woman, discovers a golden cucumber in her garden, unaware of the mystical journey it will bring.

Timun Mas (The Golden Cucumber) is a Folktale from Indonesia set in the Ancient This Simple tale explores themes of Courage and is suitable for All Ages. It offers Moral insights. A young girl’s daring escape from a fearsome ogre using magical gifts in an Indonesian folktale.

  • Location: Indonesia
  • Story Period: Ancient
  • Story Type: Folktale
  • Story Theme: Courage
  • Story Audience: All Ages
  • Story Style: Simple
  • Story Value: Moral

Once upon a time, in a village on the island of Java, there lived a poor widow named Mbok Sirni. She had no children and lived a simple life. Every day, she would tend to her garden and hope that one day, she might be blessed with a child to keep her company and help with her daily work. But despite her prayers, the years went by, and no child came.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the fields, Mbok Sirni, feeling more sorrowful than ever, sat by her small hut. A strange gust of wind blew, rustling the leaves and filling the air with a sense of mystery. In the midst of that wind, a giant ogre known as Buto Ijo appeared before her.

The sight of the towering Buto Ijo, with his rough green skin and fierce red eyes, struck terror into Mbok Sirni’s heart. She trembled, thinking her end had come. But the ogre spoke in a deep, rumbling voice that shook the earth beneath her feet.

"Do not fear, old woman," Buto Ijo said. "I have come to offer you something you desire most. I know you wish for a child, and I can make that happen. But in return, you must give me something as well."

Mbok Sirni, desperate for a child, listened eagerly. "What must I give you in return?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"You shall bear a child, a daughter," Buto Ijo replied, "but when she turns sixteen, you must return her to me. She will be my payment."

Mbok Sirni hesitated. The thought of giving up her future daughter filled her with dread. But the deep longing in her heart for a child overpowered her fears. She agreed to the ogre's terms, hoping that in time, she could find a way to protect her future child.

Buto Ijo handed her a single golden cucumber seed. "Plant this in your garden," he said. "Care for it well, and soon you will have your daughter."

With that, Buto Ijo vanished into the night, leaving Mbok Sirni clutching the small seed in her trembling hand.

The next morning, Mbok Sirni carefully planted the golden cucumber seed in her garden. She tended to it with love and care, watering it every day and protecting it from pests. As the days passed, the seed sprouted and grew into a strong, healthy plant. Soon, a large golden cucumber appeared among the vines. It glistened under the sunlight, unlike any cucumber Mbok Sirni had ever seen.

When the cucumber was fully ripe, Mbok Sirni carefully harvested it. As she held the heavy cucumber in her hands, she heard a faint sound coming from within it. She quickly sliced the cucumber open, and to her amazement, inside was a beautiful baby girl, as healthy and radiant as the golden fruit itself. Overjoyed, Mbok Sirni named her Timun Mas, which means "Golden Cucumber."

Mbok Sirni opening a golden cucumber in her garden, revealing baby Timun Mas inside, with greenery around her.
In an enchanting moment, Mbok Sirni opens the golden cucumber and finds baby Timun Mas, a gift from magic.

Timun Mas grew quickly, and each year, she became more beautiful and strong. She was a kind-hearted and intelligent girl who brought great joy to Mbok Sirni's life. The widow loved her as any mother would love her child, but deep inside, she was haunted by the promise she had made to Buto Ijo. The years passed swiftly, and soon Timun Mas approached her sixteenth birthday.

Mbok Sirni knew that Buto Ijo would soon return to claim his payment. She grew anxious, fearing the loss of her beloved daughter. Not wanting to alarm Timun Mas, she kept the dark secret hidden, but the burden weighed heavily on her.

As Timun Mas' sixteenth birthday drew near, Mbok Sirni could no longer contain her fear. One night, she sat Timun Mas down and tearfully told her everything—the bargain she had made with the ogre, the terms of the agreement, and the impending doom that awaited her.

Timun Mas listened quietly, her face pale but determined. She loved her mother deeply and knew that they must find a way to escape the terrible fate Buto Ijo had planned. With courage in her heart, she vowed to outwit the ogre and save them both from his clutches.

Mbok Sirni, realizing that there was no time to waste, took her daughter to a wise old hermit who lived deep in the forest. The hermit was known for his knowledge of magic and his ability to concoct powerful potions and charms. When they arrived, Mbok Sirni pleaded with the hermit to help them protect Timun Mas from Buto Ijo.

The hermit, understanding the gravity of the situation, took pity on the mother and daughter. He gave Timun Mas four magical items to help her escape the ogre when the time came: a bag of cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste. Each of these items, he explained, had magical properties that would aid her in her journey.

"Remember, Timun Mas," the hermit said gravely, "when Buto Ijo comes for you, run as fast as you can. Use these items wisely, and they will help you outsmart him."

With the hermit's blessing, Timun Mas and Mbok Sirni returned home. They waited anxiously for the day when Buto Ijo would return.

On the morning of Timun Mas’ sixteenth birthday, the ground trembled, and a thick, oppressive fog rolled in from the forest. The air grew heavy, and an ominous shadow loomed on the horizon. Buto Ijo had come to claim what was his.

He towered over Mbok Sirni's hut, his fierce red eyes gleaming with greed. "Old woman!" he bellowed, his voice booming across the fields. "I have come for the girl, as you promised!"

Mbok Sirni, trembling with fear, stood in front of her daughter, trying to protect her. "Please, Buto Ijo," she begged, "give us more time."

But the ogre was not moved by her pleas. "A promise is a promise," he growled, reaching out his massive hand to seize Timun Mas.

But Timun Mas was ready. She grabbed the magical items the hermit had given her and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Buto Ijo, enraged by her escape, gave chase, his giant steps shaking the earth.

Timun Mas, with her heart pounding, reached into the bag and threw the cucumber seeds behind her. Instantly, a vast field of cucumber vines sprang up, thick and tangled, blocking Buto Ijo’s path. But the ogre was strong and determined. He tore through the vines with his bare hands and continued his pursuit.

Timun Mas running through a thick forest, chased by the towering Buto Ijo as she clutches her magical bag.
Timun Mas flees through the dense jungle, with Buto Ijo in pursuit, relying on the magical items to aid her escape.

Timun Mas, realizing that Buto Ijo was still gaining on her, reached into her bag once more and threw the needles behind her. As the needles hit the ground, they transformed into a thick bamboo forest, the tall, sharp stalks creating an impenetrable barrier. But Buto Ijo was not deterred. He used his enormous strength to break through the bamboo, though it slowed him down considerably.

Panting and exhausted, Timun Mas pressed on, knowing that she could not stop. She reached into her bag again and threw the salt behind her. As soon as the salt touched the ground, a vast sea appeared, its churning waters rising high. Buto Ijo, unable to swim, was forced to wade through the water, his massive form slowing even further.

Still, the ogre persisted. His greed for the girl was so great that he refused to give up. He pushed forward through the water, determined to catch her.

Buto Ijo wading through a stormy sea, struggling against the waves, as Timun Mas runs on the distant shore.
The magical salt creates a vast sea, slowing Buto Ijo's pursuit as he struggles through the waves to catch Timun Mas.

Timun Mas, now nearing the end of her strength, knew that the final item in her bag was her last hope. She threw the shrimp paste behind her, and as it hit the ground, it transformed into a giant swamp filled with boiling mud. Buto Ijo, caught in the sticky mire, struggled to free himself. The more he fought, the deeper he sank into the thick mud.

Timun Mas paused for a moment to catch her breath, watching as Buto Ijo sank deeper and deeper into the swamp. His furious roars filled the air as he disappeared beneath the bubbling mud, swallowed by the very earth itself.

At last, the danger was over. Timun Mas, exhausted but triumphant, returned to her mother’s side. The two embraced, their hearts filled with relief and gratitude. Mbok Sirni wept tears of joy, knowing that her beloved daughter was safe at last.

Buto Ijo sinking into a giant swamp of bubbling mud, with Timun Mas watching from a safe distance.
Buto Ijo sinks into the swamp, unable to escape, while Timun Mas watches in relief, knowing the danger has passed.

Together, they returned to their simple life in the village, where they lived in peace and happiness. Timun Mas continued to grow into a wise and kind woman, beloved by all who knew her. And though they never forgot the terrifying encounter with Buto Ijo, they took comfort in the knowledge that they had outsmarted him and secured their freedom.

From that day forward, the story of Timun Mas and her brave escape from Buto Ijo was passed down from generation to generation, a tale of courage, wit, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her daughter.

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