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The Story of the Cunning Tortoise

The Story of the Cunning Tortoise
Ijapa the tortoise sits thoughtfully under a baobab tree, his cracked shell telling a story of resilience amidst the drought.

The Story of the Cunning Tortoise is a Folktale from Nigeria set in the Ancient This Conversational tale explores themes of Redemption and is suitable for All Ages. It offers Moral insights. A journey from cunning to wisdom – the tale of Ijapa, the tortoise

  • Location: Nigeria
  • Story Period: Ancient
  • Story Type: Folktale
  • Story Theme: Redemption
  • Story Audience: All Ages
  • Story Style: Conversational
  • Story Value: Moral


In the heart of Africa, where the sun shines brightly and the rivers flow with gentle murmurs, lived a cunning and wise tortoise named Ijapa. Known throughout the land for his wits, Ijapa was not the fastest, the strongest, nor the biggest animal in the jungle, but he certainly was the smartest. This is the tale of how Ijapa used his intelligence to outwit others and navigate the challenges of life in the Nigerian wilderness.

- Alt Attribute: "An African tortoise under a large baobab tree, with dry leaves scattered around, depicting a drought scene."

- FigCaption: "Ijapa the tortoise contemplating his next move during the drought, under the shade of a large baobab tree."

The Great Hunger

The forest was in the grip of a terrible drought. Rivers had dried up, and the once-green foliage had turned brown and brittle. The animals, desperate for food and water, became thin and weak. They struggled to find sustenance, and every day seemed more challenging than the last.

Ijapa, the tortoise, roamed the forest searching for food but could find nothing. He realized that if he didn't act soon, he might not survive this harsh season. One day, as he wandered near a great baobab tree, he overheard a group of animals discussing a distant land that still had water and food.

“We must journey there!” said the Elephant. “It is our only hope.”

But the journey was long, and it required crossing a vast river. Many animals feared the journey because of the dangers that awaited them on the other side. Ijapa, with his clever mind, devised a plan to get food without embarking on the risky trip.

Ijapa listening to a group of African animals, including an elephant, discussing a distant land.
Ijapa listens to the animals as they discuss a distant land with food and water during the drought.

- Alt Attribute: "Ijapa the tortoise listening to a group of animals, including an elephant, talking about a faraway land."

- FigCaption: "Ijapa overhearing the animals' conversation about a distant land with food and water."

The Feast at the Sky Kingdom

Ijapa decided to approach the birds of the sky, who were also feeling the effects of the drought. He knew they could fly to faraway lands where food was abundant. “Friends,” Ijapa began, “I have heard of a great feast being held in the Sky Kingdom. It is said that there will be more food than we could ever imagine.”

The birds, hungry and excited, asked, “But how do we get there?”

“We can all go together,” said Ijapa, his eyes shining with cunning. “But I, as a humble tortoise, have no wings. You must help me.”

The birds, always kind-hearted, agreed to help Ijapa. Each bird donated a feather, and together, they fashioned wings for him. The next morning, Ijapa and the birds flew to the Sky Kingdom, where they found a great feast laid out for them. There were fruits, nuts, grains, and delicacies the likes of which they had never seen before.

But before they began eating, Ijapa stood up and declared, “We must respect the traditions of this land. Each of us must take a new name before we begin the feast. I shall be called ‘All of You.’”

The birds, trusting and hungry, agreed to this strange suggestion. When the hosts of the Sky Kingdom offered food, they asked, “Who is this food for?”

Ijapa quickly responded, “It is for ‘All of You,’” and proceeded to eat all the food himself. The birds were left with nothing and soon realized they had been tricked.

Angry and disappointed, they took back their feathers and left Ijapa stranded in the Sky Kingdom. Realizing he could no longer fly, Ijapa had to think quickly to get back to the ground.

The Fall and the Broken Shell

As Ijapa stood on the edge of the Sky Kingdom, he looked down at the vast distance to the earth. He knew that falling from such a height would be disastrous, but he was determined to survive. So, he called down to the earth, “Dear friends, please bring all the soft things you can find and create a cushion for my fall!”

The animals below, still angry at Ijapa's cunning ways, instead gathered the hardest and sharpest objects they could find—stones, sticks, and bones—and piled them together where he would land.

With no other choice, Ijapa let himself fall, believing his cushion would break his descent. He hit the ground with a tremendous crash, his shell shattering into many pieces. For a long while, he lay there, silent and unmoving.

- Alt Attribute: "Ijapa the tortoise falling from the Sky Kingdom, with broken pieces of his shell scattered on the ground."

- FigCaption: "Ijapa's fall from the Sky Kingdom, resulting in a shattered shell as he learns the consequences of his actions."

But the tortoise was not one to give up. He painfully gathered the pieces of his broken shell, piece by piece, and slowly began to put himself back together. From that day on, his shell was never smooth again but covered in cracks, a reminder of his fall from grace.

The Lesson Learned

Despite his broken shell, Ijapa continued to live, and soon his reputation for cunning spread even further. However, the animals were now wise to his tricks and kept their distance. Hungry and lonely, Ijapa wandered the forest once more.

One day, he came across a farmer’s field, lush with ripe yams, and felt his stomach rumble. But this time, instead of stealing or tricking, Ijapa approached the farmer and said, “Good sir, I am but a poor, broken tortoise. Would you be willing to share some of your yams with me?”

The farmer, a kind-hearted man, agreed. “You may take as many yams as you need,” he said, “but be sure to leave some for others.”

Ijapa thanked the farmer and took only what he needed, a gesture that was noticed by other animals nearby.

The following day, Ijapa was approached by the other animals. “Why didn’t you take more yams?” they asked. “You could have tricked the farmer.”

Ijapa sighed, his shell aching from the memory of his fall. “There are some lessons that only pain can teach,” he replied. “I have learned that greed and trickery will lead to my downfall. It is better to live honestly, even if it means having less.”

Ijapa talking humbly to a kind African farmer in a lush yam field, showing respect and humility
Ijapa humbly talking to a kind farmer in a yam field, learning the value of honesty and humility.

- Alt Attribute: "Ijapa humbly talking to a kind farmer in a yam field, learning the value of honesty."

- FigCaption: "Ijapa asking the farmer for yams, learning to live honestly after his experiences."

Redemption and Wisdom

Over time, Ijapa became a different tortoise. He no longer used his cunning to deceive others but to help those in need. When animals faced problems, they would come to him for advice, and he would offer his wisdom generously. His shell, though cracked, became a symbol of resilience and change.

One day, the animals decided to hold a great feast in Ijapa’s honor. They wanted to celebrate the tortoise who had changed his ways and now helped others. As Ijapa sat before the feast, he noticed something—the yams, fruits, and grains were all laid out before him. He could have easily eaten everything as he did in the Sky Kingdom.

But instead, he stood up and said, “This feast is not just for me. It is for all of us. Let us share in this bounty together.”

The animals cheered and joined in the feast, each one enjoying the food and the company. From that day on, Ijapa was known not just as the cunning tortoise but as the wise tortoise, whose shell told the story of a life transformed by hard-earned lessons.

Animals celebrating with Ijapa the tortoise at a grand feast, sharing food and laughter.
Ijapa shares the feast with all the animals, celebrating unity, kindness, and the joy of togetherness.

- Alt Attribute: "Animals celebrating with Ijapa the tortoise at a grand feast, sharing food and laughter."

- FigCaption: "Ijapa sharing the feast with all the animals, having learned the value of kindness and generosity."

And so, the story of Ijapa, the cunning tortoise who became wise, was passed down through generations, teaching young and old alike that intelligence without compassion is a path to loneliness, but with kindness, it becomes a gift to the world.

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