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The Story of How the Spider Got a Thin Waist

The Story of How the Spider Got a Thin Waist

The Story of How the Spider Got a Thin Waist is a Folktale from Ghana set in the Ancient This Humorous tale explores themes of Wisdom and is suitable for All Ages. It offers Moral insights. How Anansi the Spider Learned a Lesson About Greed.

  • Location: Ghana
  • Story Period: Ancient
  • Story Type: Folktale
  • Story Theme: Wisdom
  • Story Audience: All Ages
  • Story Style: Humorous
  • Story Value: Moral

Once upon a time, in a lush forest in Ghana, there lived a clever and cunning spider named Anansi. Known far and wide for his intelligence and craftiness, Anansi loved to outwit others to satisfy his endless hunger and curiosity. But his biggest flaw was his greed. No matter how much food he managed to gather, it was never enough.

One bright morning, as Anansi was walking through the forest, he began to smell something delightful wafting through the air. It was the scent of fresh, warm food cooking over a fire, and his stomach growled in response. Driven by the smell, he decided to find out where it was coming from. As he moved along, the aroma grew stronger until he reached the village center, where the animals were busy preparing a grand feast.

“Ah, what luck!” Anansi thought. “Today must be my day.”

The village had prepared enough food to last for days. There were steaming bowls of fufu, spicy soups, ripe plantains, and all sorts of delicacies. It was a festival that brought everyone together, and the villagers were happy to share with each other. However, Anansi wasn’t interested in sharing; he wanted it all.


The Plan to Eat It All

Anansi approached the villagers with a big, warm smile. “Hello, dear friends!” he greeted them. “What a wonderful feast you’re having today!”

“Welcome, Anansi!” the animals replied. “You’ve arrived just in time! We’re preparing food for everyone to enjoy, so feel free to join us.”

Anansi nodded, pretending to be grateful, but inside he was already plotting. He quickly learned that there were more feasts happening in neighboring villages. “If only I could eat at all the feasts today,” he thought, licking his lips. “But how can I manage to be in all these places at once?”

Suddenly, a clever idea struck him. He decided to make use of his web. Anansi spun a long thread of silk and tied it around his waist. Then, he approached the first group of villagers and said, “I must attend all the feasts today, but I do not want to miss out on your delicious food. Would you please tie this thread around your cooking pot? When the food is ready, just give it a little tug, and I will know to come back!”

The villagers thought this was a strange request, but they agreed and tied the thread around the cooking pot. Anansi thanked them and moved on to the next village, where he repeated the same request.

He visited all the feasts happening in the surrounding villages, and soon, he had threads tied to his waist from every direction. In his mind, Anansi was certain that this plan would allow him to feast like a king.

The Moment of Truth

Satisfied with his plan, Anansi waited patiently, humming to himself and imagining all the food he would eat. Before long, the first tug came from the north. “Ah, the food must be ready there!” Anansi thought excitedly. Then, another tug came from the east, and another from the west, and another from the south. All at once, each village began pulling on their threads, signaling that their food was ready.

“Oh no!” Anansi gasped. He could feel the threads tightening around his waist, pulling from all directions. “Stop! Stop!” he cried, but it was too late. The villagers couldn't hear him, and they continued to pull on the threads, eager to have him join their feast.

The threads pulled tighter and tighter, squeezing Anansi’s waist until it was impossibly thin. He tried to free himself, but the harder he struggled, the tighter the threads became. His tiny waist began to ache, and he could feel his strength slipping away.


Anansi the spider talks to villagers as they tie a thread around a cooking pot in a lively village setting.
Anansi instructs the villagers to tie a thread to their cooking pot as part of his clever plan.

Anansi’s Realization

Realizing he was stuck and unable to eat at any of the feasts, Anansi began to cry. “Oh, what have I done?” he wailed. “My greed has brought me nothing but pain! If only I had been content with one feast, I wouldn’t be in this mess!”

Hours passed, and the feasts came to an end. The villagers noticed that Anansi hadn’t shown up and began to untie the threads. As the pressure finally eased, Anansi collapsed, panting and exhausted. His waist was now permanently thin, and he could no longer eat as much as he used to.

Anansi slowly crawled back to his web, thinking about his actions. He had wanted to be clever and take more than his fair share, but in the end, he had been left with nothing but an empty stomach and a thin waist. The experience taught him a valuable lesson about greed and the importance of being content with what you have.


Anansi struggles as threads pull his thin waist from different directions, with distant villages in the background.
Anansi’s plan backfires as he feels the tug from all directions, tightening the threads around his waist

The Villagers’ Surprise

The next day, when the villagers saw Anansi’s thin waist, they were shocked. “Anansi, what happened to you?” they asked. “Why is your waist so thin?”

Anansi, embarrassed and humbled, told them the whole story. He explained how his greed had led to his predicament and how he had learned the hard way that wanting too much could have dire consequences.

The villagers laughed and shook their heads. “Ah, Anansi, you are indeed clever, but sometimes your cleverness gets the best of you,” they said. “Perhaps now you will learn to be satisfied with what you have.”

Anansi nodded solemnly. “Yes, I have learned my lesson. From now on, I will be content with what I am given.”

And so, from that day forward, Anansi was known not just for his cleverness but also for his thin waist, a reminder to all that greed never pays. Though he remained cunning and clever in many ways, he never again tried to trick others into giving him more than his fair share.


Exhausted Anansi lies on the ground with a thin waist, surrounded by animals showing pity and amusement.
After the villagers untie the threads, Anansi lies exhausted, learning a hard lesson about greed.

The Spider’s Legacy

Over time, Anansi’s story spread far and wide, and soon everyone in the animal kingdom knew about the greedy spider with the thin waist. Other animals would tell their children, “Remember Anansi’s tale! If you try to take more than you deserve, you might end up like him.”

Anansi himself became wiser as he grew older. He often shared his story with others, hoping they would learn from his mistakes. And whenever he saw a young spider weaving its web, he would say, “Use your web wisely, my friend. It is a powerful tool, but it can also become your trap if you are not careful.”

The forest returned to its peaceful state, and Anansi went back to his usual tricks, though he was much more mindful of his actions. He still enjoyed a good meal, but now, he always made sure to share with others. His friends, who had once been wary of him, began to trust him again, and Anansi discovered that sharing brought him more joy than any feast ever could.


Anansi shares a joyful meal with animals in a lush forest, wearing a kente cloth with a content expression.
Anansi, having learned his lesson, joyfully shares a meal with the other animals in the forest.

Anansi’s Final Lesson

Years later, as Anansi sat in his web, watching the sun set over the forest, he thought about all the feasts he had missed and all the ones he had enjoyed. He realized that the greatest feast of all was the one he shared with others, surrounded by friends and laughter.

And so, the story of Anansi and his thin waist was passed down from generation to generation, teaching children and adults alike the importance of being satisfied, the value of sharing, and the dangers of letting greed take control.

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