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The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body

The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body
The young prince, Askeladden, stands bravely at the entrance of the giant's cave, holding a glowing golden apple, ready to face his destiny.

The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body is a Folktale from Norway set in the Medieval This Dramatic tale explores themes of Courage and is suitable for All Ages. It offers Moral insights. A daring quest to outwit a heartless giant and rescue lost brothers.

  • Location: Norway
  • Story Period: Medieval
  • Story Type: Folktale
  • Story Theme: Courage
  • Story Audience: All Ages
  • Story Style: Dramatic
  • Story Value: Moral

In a land far away, surrounded by towering mountains and dense forests, there lived a powerful king who ruled over a great kingdom. The king had seven sons, all of whom were brave and handsome. As the years passed, the young princes grew restless, desiring adventure beyond the castle walls. However, the king warned them of a fearsome giant who lived in the mountains—a giant who had no heart in his body and who could not be defeated by ordinary means.

Despite their father’s warnings, the brothers longed to explore the world and find their destinies. One by one, they left the kingdom, each setting out in different directions to seek their fortune. But as fate would have it, all seven brothers disappeared, and not a word of them was heard again.

Left alone, the youngest brother, Prince Askeladden, could not bear the thought of his siblings being lost forever. He resolved to find them and bring them back, no matter what dangers lay ahead. With a sturdy walking stick, a small bundle of food, and his father’s blessings, Askeladden set out on a journey that would take him to the heart of a mystery that had long plagued the land.

The Journey Begins

Prince Askeladden ventured into the mountains, walking for many days and nights, guided only by the stories his father had told him. The air grew colder, and the path more treacherous, but he pressed on, determined to find his brothers. Eventually, he reached a dense forest, where the trees grew so close together that even the light of day struggled to penetrate. Here, he met an old woman sitting by a small fire.

“Greetings, young prince,” she said with a knowing smile. “Why do you wander so far from your kingdom?”

“I am searching for my brothers,” Askeladden replied. “They disappeared into these mountains, and I fear they may have fallen into the hands of the giant who has no heart in his body.”

The old woman nodded solemnly. “The giant is a fearsome creature indeed. But if you are brave and clever, there may yet be hope. Take this golden apple,” she said, handing him a small, glowing fruit. “It will guide you to where your brothers are kept, but remember, the giant’s heart is not in his body. If you wish to defeat him, you must first discover where his heart is hidden.”

Askeladden thanked the old woman and continued on his journey, holding the golden apple in his hand. It glowed brighter with every step, leading him deeper into the forest until he reached the entrance of a dark cave. Steeling himself, he stepped inside.

Askeladden cautiously approaches the sleeping giant in a vast cave filled with treasures.
Askeladden cautiously approaches the sleeping giant in his vast, treasure-filled lair, determined to uncover the secret of the heart.

Inside the Giant's Lair

The cave twisted and turned, and soon Askeladden found himself standing before an enormous iron door. He pushed it open and entered a vast chamber filled with treasures beyond imagination: piles of gold, jewels, and ancient artifacts gleamed in the dim light. At the far end of the chamber sat the giant, his massive form slumped on a throne of stone. He was asleep, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath.

Askeladden crept closer, careful not to make a sound. As he approached, he noticed something peculiar about the giant—his body seemed hollow, like an empty shell. It was then that he understood what the old woman had meant. The giant truly had no heart in his body.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the chamber. “Why do you seek the heart of the giant?”

Startled, Askeladden turned to see a white raven perched on a nearby pillar. “I am searching for my brothers,” he replied. “The giant has taken them, and I must find a way to defeat him.”

The raven tilted its head. “The giant's heart is hidden far away, in a place where no man would think to look. It lies beneath the waters of a distant lake, inside a golden egg that is kept in the nest of a great eagle. But be warned, the path to the heart is fraught with danger, and only the bravest can hope to reach it.”

With this knowledge, Askeladden knew what he had to do. He thanked the raven and left the chamber, determined to find the hidden heart and free his brothers from the giant’s clutches.

The Search for the Heart

The journey to the lake was long and arduous, and Askeladden encountered many obstacles along the way. He crossed roaring rivers, climbed towering mountains, and ventured through dense forests. But each time he felt like giving up, he thought of his brothers and pressed on.

At last, he reached the lake the raven had spoken of. In the center of the lake stood a small island, and on this island grew a single tree, taller than any other in the land. Perched at the top of this tree was an enormous nest, and within the nest, Askeladden could see the faint glimmer of a golden egg.

But as he waded into the water, a fearsome serpent emerged from the depths, its scales shimmering in the moonlight. It hissed and coiled around the tree, guarding the egg with all its might.

Summoning all his courage, Askeladden drew his sword and faced the serpent. They fought for hours, the serpent’s powerful tail lashing through the air, but Askeladden was quick and agile. At last, he managed to strike the serpent with a decisive blow, and it slithered back into the depths, defeated.

He climbed the tree, reaching the eagle's nest, and took the golden egg into his hands. As soon as he touched it, he felt a powerful pulse emanating from within, as if the heart itself was beating inside the egg.

The Confrontation

With the golden egg in his possession, Askeladden made his way back to the cave. The giant was awake now, and his eyes burned with fury. “How dare you enter my domain!” he roared. “You shall pay for your insolence!”

But Askeladden stood firm, holding the egg high above his head. “I know where your heart lies, and I will destroy it unless you release my brothers.”

The giant's expression changed from anger to fear. “No! You must not!” he cried, reaching out with his massive hand.

But it was too late. Askeladden squeezed the egg with all his strength, and the giant let out a terrible scream. He clutched his chest, fell to his knees, and then collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

Askeladden battles a massive serpent guarding a golden egg on a tree in the moonlit lake.
The intense battle between Askeladden and the massive serpent guarding the golden egg on a moonlit night.

With the giant defeated, the cave began to crumble, and Askeladden ran deeper inside, desperate to find his brothers. At last, he reached a small chamber where they were imprisoned, their eyes dull with hopelessness. But when they saw Askeladden, they sprang to their feet, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

“You did it, brother!” they cried, embracing him. “You defeated the giant!”

Askeladden smiled and led them out of the cave just as it collapsed behind them. Together, they returned to their kingdom, where they were welcomed as heroes.

The Return and Celebration

The king was overjoyed to see his sons return, and he held a great feast in their honor. For seven days and seven nights, the kingdom celebrated the bravery of Prince Askeladden, who had defeated the heartless giant and saved his brothers. The story of his courage spread far and wide, and it was said that the land was never troubled by giants again.

But as the years passed, the legend of the heartless giant began to fade, and the people slowly forgot the dangers that once plagued their kingdom. Yet, in the hearts of those who heard the tale, the memory of Prince Askeladden’s bravery lived on, a reminder that even the greatest challenges could be overcome with courage and determination.


Askeladden went on to have many more adventures, but none were as great as the time he defeated the giant who had no heart in his body. He married a wise and beautiful princess, and together they ruled the kingdom with fairness and kindness. And though he grew older and the world changed around him, Askeladden never forgot the lessons he had learned—that even the most insurmountable obstacles could be conquered with bravery and a clever mind.

And so, his story was passed down from generation to generation, inspiring countless others to face their fears and to never give up, no matter how daunting the path might seem.

Askeladden holds the glowing golden egg while the giant falls to his knees, defeated.
The triumphant moment when Askeladden holds the glowing golden egg, while the giant falls to his knees, defeated and powerless.

And this is how the tale of Prince Askeladden and the giant who had no heart in his body came to be known throughout the world—a story of courage, adventure, and the triumph of the human spirit.

Askeladden returns to his kingdom with his seven brothers, greeted by a cheering crowd.
Askeladden returns to his kingdom with his seven brothers, greeted by a jubilant crowd celebrating their bravery and safe return.

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