The Tale of the Kappa
A young man confronts the legendary Kappa to protect his village in this tale of cunning and courage.
A young man confronts the legendary Kappa to protect his village in this tale of cunning and courage.
A warrior’s epic quest for eternal honor in the mythical Elysian Fields.
A heroic battle between light and darkness on Iran’s tallest mountain.
A young man’s journey to find the Castle of the Fairies, where courage and kindness unlock the greatest treasure.
A chilling encounter with wolves that walk the line between man and beast.
A young bride’s curiosity uncovers a deadly secret in her husband's mysterious castle.
A magical journey of courage, trials, and wisdom in the enchanted Castle of the Fairies.
The brave twins take on the lords of the Mayan underworld in a fight for survival.
A gripping tale of courage and heroism as Rostam faces the fearsome White Demon.
A daring tale of a boy’s extraordinary bond with a legendary creature in medieval Europe.
A young shepherd’s destiny is revealed as he faces an ancient evil to protect his village.
A young boy and his grandmother take on the terrifying world of witches with a bold plan to save children from an evil fate.
A journey of courage and wisdom in search of the legendary Griffin.
The legend of four elemental dragons whose sacrifice brought life to the land.
A knight faces the deadly Cockatrice in a battle for Valdenberg’s survival.
The rise and fall of an ancient wonder, symbolizing triumph and tragedy.
A battle of courage and survival against the Inca Empire in the misty highlands of Peru.
Bahram Gur faces an unstoppable dragon in a legendary battle for the kingdom.
A tale of courage, sacrifice, and the eternal balance of nature in ancient China.
A journey into the sacred rituals of the Shuar and the mystery of Tsantsas in the Amazon.
Amaru's journey into the mystical realm of the Yacuruna to restore balance to the river.
Jason’s perilous journey to claim the Golden Fleece, filled with challenges, magic, and betrayal.
The epic journey of Rostam through seven deadly trials to rescue a captive king.
A warrior's trials in the mountains of Japan, where legends of Tengu come to life.