The Empty Pot

11 min

The Empty Pot
The wise Emperor of ancient China distributes seeds to the eager children in a beautiful palace courtyard, marking the beginning of a journey that will reveal the true qualities of a leader.

About this story: The Empty Pot is a Fable from China set in the Ancient. This Simple tale explores themes of Wisdom and is suitable for All Ages. It offers Moral insights. The power of honesty shapes the future of a kingdom.

Once upon a time, in ancient China, there lived a kind and wise Emperor. He was loved by all his people, for he ruled his vast kingdom with fairness and compassion. However, as the Emperor grew older, he began to worry about who would succeed him on the throne. He had no children of his own, and he knew that the future of his kingdom depended on finding a worthy successor.

The Emperor decided to hold a competition to determine who would be the next ruler. He announced to the entire kingdom that he was searching for someone with the virtues of honesty, humility, and courage. These were the qualities he believed a true leader must possess. To find such a person, he devised a plan that was as ingenious as it was simple.

The Emperor called all the children of the kingdom to his palace. Boys and girls from every corner of the land gathered, eager to see what the Emperor had in store for them. The children lined up in the grand courtyard of the palace, where the Emperor awaited them with a smile. In his hands, he held a pot filled with tiny seeds.

“My dear children,” the Emperor began, his voice resonating through the courtyard, “I am growing old, and it is time for me to choose a successor. One of you shall be the next Emperor or Empress of this great land. To find the right person, I have devised a simple test.”

The Emperor then handed out a single seed to each child, instructing them to plant it, care for it, and bring it back in one year’s time. “The one who grows the most beautiful plant,” the Emperor explained, “will become the next ruler of this land.”

Among the children was a young boy named Ping. Ping was known throughout his village as an excellent gardener. He had a deep love for nature and had a way with plants that seemed almost magical. Whenever he planted a seed, it sprouted quickly and grew into a strong, healthy plant. He was confident that he would be able to grow the finest plant of all.

Ping carefully took his seed home and planted it in a small pot. He watered it diligently, placed it in the sunlight, and waited patiently for it to sprout. Days passed, then weeks, but nothing happened. Ping was perplexed. He had never encountered a seed that refused to grow. Determined, he continued to water and tend to the seed, hoping that it would eventually sprout.

As the weeks turned into months, Ping became more and more anxious. All around him, other children were showing off their flourishing plants. Some had vibrant flowers, others had towering trees, and still others had lush, green bushes. But no matter what Ping did, his pot remained empty.

Ping’s parents saw how distressed he was and tried to comfort him. “You have done your best, Ping,” they said kindly. “Sometimes, things do not turn out as we hope, even when we work very hard. But remember, it is not the outcome that matters most, but the effort and honesty with which we try.”

Despite his disappointment, Ping knew his parents were right. He had given his seed the best care he could, and there was nothing more he could do. As the year drew to a close, Ping dreaded the day when he would have to return to the palace with his empty pot. He imagined how the Emperor would react when he saw that Ping had failed to grow anything at all.

The day of the competition finally arrived. Children from all over the kingdom gathered once again at the palace, each proudly carrying their pots filled with lush plants. Some had flowers in full bloom, others had small trees with budding leaves, and still others had shrubs bursting with green. The courtyard was a sea of color and life.

Ping stood at the back of the crowd, clutching his empty pot tightly. His heart was heavy with shame and fear. He felt like a failure, unworthy of the Emperor’s attention. But despite his embarrassment, Ping knew he could not lie. He had to bring his empty pot to the Emperor, just as he had been instructed.

The Emperor walked through the courtyard, admiring the many beautiful plants. He nodded approvingly as he passed each child, complimenting them on their gardening skills. As he made his way to the back of the crowd, he noticed Ping standing there with his empty pot.

“Why have you brought me an empty pot?” the Emperor asked, his voice gentle but curious.

Ping bowed his head and spoke softly. “Your Majesty, I did everything I could to grow the seed you gave me. I planted it, watered it, and cared for it every day, but it would not sprout. I am sorry that I have failed you.”

The Emperor looked at Ping’s empty pot for a long moment. Then, to everyone’s surprise, he smiled. He reached out and took the pot from Ping’s hands, holding it up for all to see.

“My dear children,” the Emperor announced, “the seed I gave you all a year ago was boiled. It was impossible for it to grow. I see before me many beautiful plants, but these plants did not grow from the seeds I gave you. You must have used other seeds to grow these plants.”

There was a gasp from the crowd as the children realized what the Emperor was saying. They had all cheated, except for one.

The Emperor turned to Ping and said, “This boy has shown great honesty and courage by bringing me this empty pot. He did not try to deceive me or pretend that his seed had grown. For this reason, I have chosen him to be the next Emperor of China.”

The crowd erupted in applause as Ping stood there, stunned by what had just happened. He had come to the palace expecting to be humiliated, but instead, he had been chosen as the future ruler of the kingdom.

The Emperor placed his hand on Ping’s shoulder and said, “Remember, Ping, a true leader is not one who succeeds in every task, but one who is honest, humble, and courageous. You have shown me today that you possess these qualities, and I know you will make a great ruler.”

Ping returned home to his village as a hero. The people celebrated his honesty and integrity, and they knew that their kingdom was in good hands. When the time came for the Emperor to step down, Ping ascended to the throne and ruled with the same wisdom and kindness as his predecessor. Under his leadership, the kingdom flourished, and the people lived in peace and prosperity for many years.

And so, the story of the empty pot became a legend, passed down from generation to generation, reminding all who heard it of the importance of honesty and integrity. For in the end, it is not the appearance of success that matters, but the truth and virtue that lie within our hearts.

ing plants a seed in a small pot at home with determination, hoping to grow the most beautiful plant for the Emperor.
Young Ping, filled with determination and hope, carefully plants the seed given by the Emperor, beginning his journey to prove his worth.

As Ping sat on the throne, he remembered the lesson he had learned from the Emperor. He knew that ruling a kingdom was not about showing off wealth or power, but about serving the people with honesty and fairness. He made sure that everyone in the kingdom had enough food to eat, that the laws were just, and that the people were treated with respect.

One day, as Ping was walking through the palace gardens, he came across a small plant growing in a neglected corner. It was a fragile-looking plant, with only a few leaves and a single flower. Ping knelt down and touched the plant gently. He recognized it as one of the seeds that the Emperor had given out so many years ago.

Ping smiled as he realized that even though the seed had not sprouted for him at the time, it had found a way to grow eventually. It was a reminder that sometimes, things take time, and that patience and perseverance are also important qualities in a leader.

Ping ordered that the plant be moved to a special place in the garden, where it could be cared for and admired by all. It became known as the “Emperor’s Flower,” a symbol of Ping’s honest and humble beginnings. People from all over the kingdom would come to the palace just to see the flower and hear the story of the empty pot.

Ping holds an empty pot among children with flourishing plants, showing his honesty despite his seed not sprouting.
Ping stands anxiously with his empty pot, surrounded by other children showing off their flourishing plants, a symbol of his honesty.

As the years passed, Ping continued to rule with wisdom and compassion. He sought the advice of his counselors, but he always made decisions based on what he believed was right and just. He never forgot the lesson of the empty pot, and he made sure to teach it to the children of the kingdom.

Whenever a child in the kingdom showed exceptional honesty or courage, Ping would invite them to the palace and tell them the story of how he had become Emperor. He would show them the empty pot that had once brought him so much shame, and then he would show them the Emperor’s Flower, now a thriving plant.

“You see,” Ping would say, “honesty and integrity are like this plant. They may not always bring immediate rewards, but in the end, they will grow and flourish, and they will bring you true success.”

The Emperor holds Ping's empty pot aloft before the crowd, recognizing Ping's honesty and choosing him as the next Emperor.
The Emperor holds Ping's empty pot high, declaring him the future ruler, a decision that values honesty over appearances.

Ping’s reign was a golden age for the kingdom. Under his rule, the people were happy and prosperous. The land produced bountiful harvests, and the kingdom’s borders were secure. Other rulers admired Ping for his wisdom and sought his counsel. He became known as the “Emperor of the Empty Pot,” and his story spread far beyond the borders of his kingdom.

But despite his success, Ping remained humble. He never let his power go to his head, and he continued to live a simple life. He often spent time in the palace gardens, tending to the plants and reflecting on the lessons he had learned. He knew that his greatest achievement was not becoming Emperor, but remaining true to himself and his values.

Ping discovers a small plant growing in a neglected corner of the palace garden, symbolizing hope and patience.
"In the palace garden, Ping finds a small plant growing in a neglected corner, a reminder that patience and perseverance yield rewards.

As Ping grew older, he began to think about the future of his kingdom. He did not want to repeat the mistakes of the past, so he decided to follow in the footsteps of the wise Emperor who had chosen him

. He announced that he would hold a competition to find his successor, just as the previous Emperor had done.

This time, however, the test was different. Ping invited the children of the kingdom to the palace and gave each of them a small, empty pot. “Plant whatever you like in this pot,” he told them, “and bring it back to me in one year’s time.”

The children were excited and curious about what the Emperor was planning. They took their pots home and began to plant their favorite flowers, herbs, and trees. They cared for their plants with great attention, hoping to impress the Emperor with their gardening skills.

One year later, the children returned to the palace with their pots. Once again, the courtyard was filled with a dazzling array of plants. But this time, the Emperor did not walk among the children to inspect their pots. Instead, he stood at the front of the courtyard and called for each child to bring their pot to him.

As the children presented their plants, Ping listened carefully to their explanations of why they had chosen their particular plants and how they had cared for them. He was impressed by their creativity and dedication, but he was looking for something more.

A young girl presents an empty pot to the Emperor, who smiles warmly, recognizing her honesty in the palace courtyard.
A young girl presents her empty pot to the Emperor with confidence, embodying the virtues of honesty and integrity.

Finally, a young girl approached the Emperor with a pot that contained nothing but soil. She looked nervous, but she held her head high as she explained, “Your Majesty, I planted a seed in this pot and cared for it every day, but it did not grow. I do not know why, but I did my best.”

Ping smiled warmly at the girl. He saw in her the same honesty and courage that he had shown many years ago. He took her hand and raised it for all to see. “This girl has shown the true qualities of a leader,” he declared. “She did not try to deceive me, and she did not give up when her seed did not sprout. She is worthy of becoming the next ruler of this kingdom.”

And so, the girl became the new Empress, and she ruled with the same wisdom and kindness as Ping. The story of the empty pot lived on, a testament to the power of honesty, humility, and perseverance. And the kingdom continued to flourish, guided by the virtues that had made it strong.

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