The Clever Gazelle and the Greedy Hyena

6 min

The Clever Gazelle and the Greedy Hyena
Leila the gazelle standing gracefully in the Libyan savannah under a bright sun.

About this story: The Clever Gazelle and the Greedy Hyena is a Fable from Libya set in the Contemporary. This Descriptive tale explores themes of Wisdom and is suitable for All Ages. It offers Moral insights. A clever gazelle teaches a greedy hyena a lesson in honesty and respect.


In the vast, arid landscapes of Libya, where the sun kisses the earth with relentless warmth, there lived a gazelle named Leila. Leila was known far and wide for her grace and beauty, but what set her apart most was her intelligence. Her sleek, tawny coat and nimble legs allowed her to dance effortlessly through the savannah, evading predators and finding food in the most unlikely places.

Leila's sharp mind was her greatest asset, a fact well-known to the creatures of the desert. They often came to her for advice and guidance. However, not all who sought her were kind-hearted. One such creature was Hami, the hyena. Hami was a cunning and greedy hyena, always looking for ways to trick others out of their hard-earned food and resources.

The Encounter

One scorching afternoon, as Leila was nibbling on some tender leaves near a rare oasis, Hami approached her. His eyes gleamed with mischief as he greeted Leila with a wide, toothy grin.

"Good day, Leila," Hami began, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "How fortunate I am to find you here. I have heard much about your wisdom and would like to seek your help."

Leila, always polite, nodded in acknowledgment. "What is it that you seek, Hami?" she asked cautiously, aware of his reputation.

Hami sighed dramatically. "You see, dear Leila, I am in great trouble. I have been unable to find food for days. I am weak and starving. Could you kindly share some of your wisdom and tell me where I might find something to eat?"

Leila thought for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she studied Hami's expression. Despite her misgivings, she decided to help him. "There is a grove of acacia trees not far from here," she said. "They bear pods that are nutritious and plentiful. Follow the path north from this oasis, and you will find it."

Hami thanked Leila profusely and set off in the direction she had indicated. However, as he walked away, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He had no intention of going to the acacia grove. Instead, he planned to follow Leila and find out where she gathered her own food, hoping to take it all for himself.

The Clever Gazelle and the Greedy Hyena
Leila and Hami near the oasis, with Hami asking for advice while hiding his true intentions.

The Plan

Days went by, and Hami secretly trailed Leila from a distance. He observed her routines, noting the places she visited and the times she went out to forage. Finally, he felt ready to put his plan into action.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Hami approached Leila once more. This time, his demeanor was even more desperate. "Leila, I followed your advice, but the acacia grove was empty. I found nothing to eat. Please, I beg you, show me where you find your food. I am at the end of my strength."

Leila, who had noticed Hami's shadowy presence over the past few days, decided it was time to teach him a lesson. She nodded sympathetically. "Very well, Hami. I will show you where I find my food. Meet me here at dawn."

As promised, Leila met Hami the next morning. She led him through the winding paths of the savannah, over dunes and through thickets, until they reached a secluded valley. In the valley stood a majestic baobab tree, its trunk wide and branches sprawling.

"This is where I find my food," Leila said, pointing to the base of the tree where fresh shoots and leaves sprouted abundantly.

Hami's eyes widened with greed. He could hardly wait to pounce on the lush vegetation. But as he moved closer, he noticed something peculiar. Surrounding the base of the baobab tree were several small mounds of dirt.

The Clever Gazelle and the Greedy Hyena
Leila leading Hami to the secluded valley with the majestic baobab tree, surrounded by small mounds of dirt.

The Trap

Leila smiled knowingly. "Those mounds are home to a colony of fire ants. They protect the tree and its precious shoots. If you want to eat here, you must do so carefully and respectfully."

Hami, however, was too consumed by his hunger and greed to heed Leila's warning. He lunged forward, eager to feast on the fresh greens. In his haste, he disturbed one of the mounds. Almost instantly, a swarm of angry fire ants emerged, crawling up his legs and biting ferociously.

Hami yelped in pain and tried to shake off the ants, but they clung on tenaciously. He fled from the valley, howling and yipping, his hunger forgotten in the face of the stinging agony.

Leila watched him go, a mixture of sadness and satisfaction in her eyes. She had hoped Hami would learn to be more considerate and less greedy, but it seemed the lesson had been painful.

The Clever Gazelle and the Greedy Hyena
Hami in distress, covered in fire ants, fleeing from the baobab tree as Leila watches.

The Change

Days turned into weeks, and Hami's experience with the fire ants became a cautionary tale among the animals of the savannah. The hyena, once known for his greed, now kept to himself, nursing his wounds and reflecting on his actions.

One day, as Leila was grazing near the same oasis where they had first met, she saw Hami approaching. This time, there was no cunning grin on his face. Instead, he looked humbled and contrite.

"Leila," Hami began, his voice sincere, "I have learned my lesson. My greed and dishonesty brought me nothing but pain. I am truly sorry for my behavior. Can you ever forgive me?"

Leila regarded him for a long moment before nodding. "Everyone makes mistakes, Hami. The important thing is to learn from them and strive to be better. I forgive you."

From that day on, Hami changed his ways. He no longer tried to deceive others for his gain. Instead, he worked hard to earn his food and even helped other animals when they were in need. His transformation earned him the respect and trust of the savannah creatures.

The Clever Gazelle and the Greedy Hyena
Hami, looking humble and sincere, approaching Leila at the oasis to ask for forgiveness.

The Moral

The story of Leila and Hami spread far and wide, becoming a cherished fable among the animals of Libya. It served as a reminder that intelligence and kindness always triumph over greed and deceit. And so, in the heart of the Libyan savannah, the animals lived in harmony, guided by the wisdom of the clever gazelle and the lessons learned by the once-greedy hyena.

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