Keong Emas (The Golden Snail)

6 min

Keong Emas (The Golden Snail)
The introduction to "Keong Emas" shows the two princesses, Dewi Galuh and Candra Kirana, standing on the palace balcony. The serene ambiance of the grand palace, surrounded by lush greenery and the sea, contrasts with the tension between the sisters, foreshadowing the dramatic events to come.

About this story: Keong Emas (The Golden Snail) is a Folktale from Indonesia set in the Ancient. This Simple tale explores themes of Good vs. Evil and is suitable for All Ages. It offers Moral insights. A tale of love, jealousy, and magic, where the power of true love breaks a wicked curse.

Once upon a time, in the ancient kingdom of Daha in East Java, Indonesia, there was a powerful and wise king named Kertamarta. The kingdom flourished under his reign, and his people were prosperous and content. King Kertamarta had two daughters, Dewi Galuh, the elder, and Candra Kirana, the younger. Both princesses were known for their beauty, but it was Candra Kirana who possessed not only beauty but also a heart of gold. Her kindness and grace made her beloved by everyone, while Dewi Galuh was known for her jealousy and ambition.

As the two princesses grew older, it was time for them to be betrothed. Many suitors came from far and wide, hoping to win the hand of one of the king's daughters. Among them was a brave and noble prince from the neighboring kingdom of Kahuripan named Raden Inu Kertapati. He was handsome, intelligent, and had a reputation for fairness and honor. After spending time in the kingdom, Raden Inu found himself enamored with Candra Kirana, and she, too, fell deeply in love with him.

Their love blossomed, and soon, the king granted Raden Inu permission to marry Candra Kirana. However, Dewi Galuh, consumed with envy, could not stand the thought of her sister marrying the noble prince she desired for herself. She plotted to sabotage their union and claim the prince as her own. Driven by bitterness and desperation, Dewi Galuh sought the help of a wicked witch, who was known for her dark magic and cunning.

The witch, known as Mbok Rondo, agreed to help Dewi Galuh in exchange for future favors. One dark night, as the winds howled and the moon hid behind thick clouds, the witch cast a powerful spell on Candra Kirana, transforming her into a small golden snail, known as Keong Emas. The princess was cursed to live as a snail, powerless and far away from her kingdom, until the day someone with a pure heart could break the spell.

The next morning, when the palace awoke, Candra Kirana was nowhere to be found. The entire kingdom searched high and low for the missing princess, but it was as if she had vanished into thin air. Heartbroken and grief-stricken, Raden Inu set off on a quest to find his beloved, vowing not to return until she was by his side once more.

Mbok Sarni finds a glowing golden snail on a serene beach at sunrise.
Mbok Sarni discovers the magical golden snail, Keong Emas, washed ashore on a peaceful beach at sunrise.

Far away from the palace, in a quiet, humble village by the seashore, an old widow named Mbok Sarni lived alone. One day, as she was walking along the beach, she found a small, shimmering golden snail lying helplessly on the sand. Intrigued by its unusual beauty, Mbok Sarni gently picked up the snail and took it home, placing it in a small, clean jar with some water.

The next day, as Mbok Sarni went about her daily chores, she returned home to find her kitchen mysteriously filled with delicious food. Baskets of fresh vegetables, fragrant rice, and cooked fish were neatly laid out on the table, though she had not prepared any of it. Bewildered but grateful, she assumed it must be a blessing from the gods and enjoyed the meal.

The following day, the same thing happened. Each time Mbok Sarni left her home, she would return to find her house cleaned, her laundry folded, and food prepared. Unable to understand the source of this mysterious kindness, she decided to stay behind one day and hide to observe what was happening.

To her amazement, she saw the golden snail transform into a beautiful young woman who quickly set about cleaning the house and preparing meals. It was none other than Candra Kirana, who, though under the curse, could regain her human form for a short time when no one was looking. Mbok Sarni was moved by the princess’s plight and swore to keep her secret, promising to take care of her until the curse could be broken.

Meanwhile, Raden Inu traveled across the lands, facing many challenges in his search for Candra Kirana. He encountered wild beasts, treacherous forests, and hostile villagers, yet he pressed on, fueled by his love and determination to reunite with his beloved. His journey led him to the village where Mbok Sarni lived. Hearing rumors of a magical golden snail that had brought prosperity to a humble widow, he felt a glimmer of hope.

 Candra Kirana secretly transforms back into her human form as Mbok Sarni stands in awe in her kitchen.
Mbok Sarni is amazed to find her kitchen filled with food as Candra Kirana transforms back into her true form.

Disguised as a traveler, Raden Inu arrived at Mbok Sarni’s house and asked to stay for the night. As they talked, the widow, sensing the prince's good heart, revealed the truth about the golden snail. She led him to the jar where Candra Kirana rested, shining in her golden form. With tears in his eyes, Raden Inu whispered her name, and to his astonishment, the snail glowed brighter than ever.

At that moment, Mbok Rondo’s spell began to weaken. The strength of Raden Inu's love and pure heart broke the curse, and Candra Kirana transformed back into her true self. Overcome with joy, the two embraced, their love stronger than ever before. They thanked Mbok Sarni for her kindness and promised to ensure her well-being for the rest of her days.

However, their happiness was short-lived, for Dewi Galuh, enraged by the failure of her plan, discovered that the curse had been broken. Furious, she sought out Mbok Rondo once again, demanding that the witch cast a new, even more powerful spell. But Mbok Rondo, realizing the depth of Dewi Galuh's evil heart, refused to help her further. Infuriated, Dewi Galuh attempted to attack the witch, but her own wickedness turned against her. In the struggle, the dark forces she had once commanded overwhelmed her, and she was turned into a hideous creature, doomed to wander the forests alone for eternity.

Raden Inu listens to Mbok Sarni's story of the golden snail in her humble home, with hope in his eyes.
Raden Inu learns about the magical golden snail from Mbok Sarni in her modest home, hoping to find his lost love.

With the curse lifted and Dewi Galuh gone, Candra Kirana and Raden Inu returned to the palace, where they were warmly welcomed. The kingdom celebrated their reunion with great festivities, and soon after, they were married in a grand ceremony. The people of Daha rejoiced, for the love between the prince and princess had triumphed over evil.

In gratitude for her help, the royal couple built a new home for Mbok Sarni, where she could live in comfort and peace. They often visited her, never forgetting the humble widow who had sheltered and protected them during their time of need.

As for Dewi Galuh, her story became a cautionary tale, told to children to warn against the dangers of envy and malice. The golden snail, Keong Emas, remained a symbol of hope and love that could conquer any curse, no matter how powerful.

Candra Kirana and Raden Inu reunite in a grand celebration at the royal palace, surrounded by joyful villagers.
Candra Kirana and Raden Inu are joyfully reunited at a grand celebration in the royal palace, with villagers cheering around them.

And so, Candra Kirana and Raden Inu lived happily ever after, ruling the kingdom with wisdom and compassion. Their love and kindness spread throughout the land, ensuring that their legacy would be remembered for generations to come.

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